Applications of Tsunami- and Flooding Barriers for Fish Farming

In addition to protecting coastlines against tsunami and storm surges by the tsunami-flooding barriers, there is the important possibility to use the large sea reservoirs between barrier and coast for large-scale fish farming.

A significant relief of the world’s nutrition problem can be achieved by using these huge reservoirs for fish farming of large fish. Overfished species like bluefin tuna could be reproduced there.The size of the reservoirs allows their division into sections for different fish sizes, to move the fractions of fish sizes from section to section, and to harvest the final size at the last section.

Gaps in the tsunami-flooding barrier, sealed by steel fences, will allow theexchange of water with each tide. Thus, always oxygen-rich sea water is available for the fish. Certaininstallation partsare produced or protected by copper alloys to prevent fouling.

All openings to the open sea can be locked by gates in case of tsunami and storm surge warning or of oil-spill warning.

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