Universal Rotating Intensive-Care-Bed
Universal Rotating Intensive-Care-Bed Horizontaler Längsschnitt des Rotations-Intensivbetts, schematisch (aus Patentanmeldung) Vertikaler Querschnitt des Rotations-Intensivbetts, schematisch (aus Patentanmeldung) Goals: Simplify care work, avoid the physical efforts of the caregivers/nurses. Reduce the number of caregivers per long-term patient. Mechanical (automatic) change of supine position, lateral position, prone position with reduction of lung problems (ARDS) and prevention of […]
Stop Corona Infection by Upward Airflow/Convection
Stop Corona Infection by Upward Airflow/Convection Most Corona infections inside buildings occur from aerosol-virus-particles floating and enriching in the air. By modest upward or crossing airflow these aerosols are diluted and removed with little effort the details of which have to be proposed by a taskforce “Prevention & Planning” consisting of virus/infection-, aerosol-, aerodynamics-, HVAC-experts […]
Fire Extinction and Prevention
Fire Extinction and Fire Prevention In the TV evening news of April 15, 2019 the fire of cathedral Notre Dame in Paris was reported which continued for about 5 hours. 4 firemen on high fire ladders, 2 on each side, sprayed heavy water beams to the top of the fire. This had no effect, just […]
Barrier Dikes prevent North Sea Flooding and recover large land surfaces
Barrier Dikes prevent North Sea Flooding and recover large land surfaces Allgemeine Beschreibung der Barrierendeiche Die jetzigen Deiche sind das Ergebnis jahrhunderte-langer Erfahrungen. Die relativ flachen Neigungswinkel sollen die Wellenenergie reduzieren. Durch die Bauweise und die Bepflanzung soll Langzeitstabilität erreicht und Erosion reduziert werden. Allerdings benötigen die herkömmlichen Deiche durch die kleinen Neigungswinkel und grosse […]
Waste Deposit of Megacities
Solving the Waste Problem of Megacities The tsunami flooding barriers described in the finished project TSUNAMI form large sea reservoirs which may be used for depositing waste from mega-cities, by reducing the waste problems of coastal megacities like New York, Tokyo and Mumbay. By emptying the reservoir, covering its ground by water-impermeable clay layer and thick concrete […]
Applications of Tsunami- and Flooding Barriers for Fish Farming In addition to protecting coastlines against tsunami and storm surges by the tsunami-flooding barriers, there is the important possibility to use the large sea reservoirs between barrier and coast for large-scale fish farming. A significant relief of the world’s nutrition problem can be achieved by using […]